At Last I Have Proof

My top three favourite films, in no particular order, are Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Sex Lies and Videotape and Proof.

Up until today I only had two of the three on DVD.

Now I have Proof.

I love this film, have since the first time I saw it at The Longford, now sadly gone. When The Longford was shutting its doors a couple of years back they had a screening of Proof attended by cast and crew. My copy of the script was in storage at the time, and even it hadn’t have been I think I would have been too overawed to approach any of them to sign it. The boy who played young Martin even turned up, on his 19th (or was it 20th?) birthday. It was an amazing night with that collection of talented people sitting two rows behind me.

Well, the Longford (where I first saw The Vanishing and This Is Spinal Tap as well) has gone but now I have a wonderful copy of my favourite Australian film, even if they have replaced the classic hazy Polaroid graphic from the films original run with a more contemporary feel.

And I’m too bloody busy to watch it.

Wide Awake Now

It must have been all the excitement of contemplating election night, or it could have been the bug I’ve been carrying for a few days, but last night I slept for 15 hours. I did get out of bed this morning, got dressed for work and then realised I wasn’t going anywhere so headed back under the doona. Seems lucky I did ’cause there was apparently a god awful problem on the Westgate this morning that would have added an hour to my trip to work so instead of sitting fuming in the car I was fast asleep with two cats on top of me.

I’ve been amazed how many times the phone has rung here today, I wonder if it’s normal or if people just take a punt on me being home? One was from work with a problem regarding a system I look after so that’s going down on my work report for the week! Feeling much healthier now I’ve got a coffee inside me and it’ll be back to work tomorrow. 20 minutes left before I’d normally knock off, I wonder what I can do in that time to make a day asleep not a total write off.

Let The Slanging Begin

So the election has been called. At last. Given the media attention given to bloggers at the recent Democrat convention in the States I bet that some one in Australia will find a couple of people talking about the election on their blogs and create a story about the effect of blogging on Australian politics.

The only problem is I’m going to have wade through six weeks of campaigning before I get my reward. You see, I have this guilty pleasure – I absolutely love watching election night coverage. I’ll sit there flicking between channels, looking at swings, listening to long lists of numbers, contemplating if Kerry O’Brien had that smirk surgically attached to his face and wondering just when Antony Green will explode from all the excitement. I’ve already booked the telly.

I think Rae is making plans to be out that night.

The Emergency Tie

Friday morning, alarm goes and I’m still asleep as I drag myself out of bed to start the day. Shower, breakfast, all the normal stuff until I get dressed.

Dark blue pants, brown shoes, brown belt, white shirt and then, as my brain switches off, I reach for my Tigers tie. My yellow and predominantly black Tigers tie. Of course I didn’t realise just how bad this combination looked until I turn up at work and glance down at myself.

It was so bad I ran down the street to buy an emergency tie.

And when I got back to work I realised that tie too was truly hideous. I’m going to blame the lights in the shop where I purchased it, or the footy chat I was having with the owner but most likely it was just my lack of judgement that lead to truly bad tie day.

Now I have to summon up the energy to chuck it on Ebay ’cause god knows I’ll never be wearing it again, not even in another tie emergency.

At Last, The End

Finally we reach the end. The Tigers will be beaten for the 14th time in a row today, we will all cheer Danny in his last match as coach and then we can pack away the scarf, thermos, radio and pen until next year.

I’m so disillusioned with my boys I’m not even bothering with one of my Tiger t-shirts today. I’m taking my ‘nucks to the G instead.

Still, hope springs eternal so roll on 2005.


Good to see they didn’t let me down. We went down in a murmuring heap of mediocrity that was stunning to behold.


I was all set for a grant rant about the idiots at The Astor but Rae got in before me.

So, for the sake of the DVD generation I’m going to do a guide to going to cinema.


But I’m busy right now.

So you may want to take ear plugs or a large shot gun with you if you go the cinema before I get my chance to write it.

Things I Want

My Canucks jacket to turn up. It’s been two months since I ordered it but I don’t want to write it off to experience, I just want the jacket.

A DVD Recorder. They’re a little pricey right now but hopefully in a year or so I’ll be able to tape shows in wide-screen. 4:3 is just wrong, plain and simple.

Melbourne wide wi-fi coverage that I can buy on a monthly basis so I can plug my Ipaq in to my car stereo and listen to 6 Music or hockey broadcasts where ever I go.

Of course there’s the unreachable goals such as world peace, an end to hunger and the Tigers winning a game this century but I prefer to keep my dreams manageable.

Todays Football Tale

I dropped my cap by the car in the car park.

The sun shone.

Then it rained.

When we got back to the car someone had put my cap on the bonnet.

It was wet.

The End

(and Richmond are on the bottom of ladder)