Slim Dusty passed away yesterday.
Slim will always hold a special place in my heart – he seems inextricably tied to memories of my Nana. Nana had a great collection of LP’s from the ’50s and ’60s, many of which were by Slim. As a young lad I often had the honour of choosing and placing the record on her old ‘radiogram (complete with station id’s on the dial) and phonogram’. More often than not I’d choose Slim. Then there was the highlight of my young life. Nana bought me tickets to see the Slim Dusty Show at the Shepparton Civic Centre. I must have been about 7, it was just Nana and me in the 3rd row at my first concert listening and watching in awe as the great man sang. I think I even scored a tape at the end and I must have been floating as we walked back to Orr St.
My music taste has changed a lot since then but I will always have a soft spot for Slim. Slim, me and Nana. A memory I never want to lose.
That one brought a tear or two to my eye Tony, I too hope you never lose those memories.
Love Mum.