My First Non-Coffee Review

Hobsons Choice, Nelson Place, Williamstown
Coffee : Latte
Area : 5/5
Caf? Atmosphere : 2.5/5
Staff : 1/5
Coffee : 0/5
Total 8.5/20

I love coffee, I truly do. It was actually one of the reasons I wanted to start blogging so I could keep track of where good coffee was and let everyone, well, both of you, know about it. Funny thing is it is the last section to get an entry.

So it was with great excitement Rae, Phee and I went down to Williamstown Sunday afternoon to get a coffee. The guests from hell (see previous post) had gone, Rae had a terrible shock shopping (see Rae’s Blog 1/7/2001) and we were looking to relax. We strolled along Nelson Place so Phee could spend her pocket money on a bag of lollie pops and then decided to go to Hobsons Choice for a latte.

Start counting slowly now. When you get to 900 (15 minutes) you can stop. This is the time it took us to get fed up with our non-coffee and leave. On a quiet afternoon with only five coffees in front of you a 15 minute wait was the straw that truly broke the back of a shocking weekend.

vittoria coffee
proper glasses
Their web page has a picture of coffee on it. That’s the closest I’ve got.

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