ET at The Astor

Quick Review : Classic

Not So Quick Review : 20 years after it’s first release this film is still magical.

The Astor, J 20

Is there any need to review ET? Surely not.

Now The Astor, that’s worth the review. A lovely old building, sitting on a busy corner at the wrong end of Chapel Street that can attract a crowd on a bitterly cold Melbourne night. All you have to say is ‘I’m going to The Astor tonight’ for people to comment on what a wonderful place it is. No one will ask what you are seeing, just going is the thing.

The welcoming lobby, complete with couches, the upstairs foyer lined with palms, over stuffed arm chairs and even more couches, the chandeliers, the music (live piano if you are really lucky), the best choc-tops in the world and a cinema cat that owns the building. The staff, obviously completely unaware of the wonderful position in which they find themselves, have perfected the urban cool disinterested attitude necessary for them to tell their friends at uni “I work in cinema”. I guess most of them are working on the great Australian screen play. There is a light show as the curtain rises before the first feature, although most people talk through it, and with Melbourne’s largest screen the movies are sight to behold. If only they could fix the leg room issue. Anyone above dwarf is squirming half way through the second feature.

The guy in the line for tickets asked the strangest thing. ET was screening on a double bill with ‘Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade’. Just as we walked away he said “do they show them one after the other?”. How do you respond to that? ‘No sir, concurrently?’ or perhaps ‘No sir, one before the other.’.

She Is Everywhere

“MELBOURNE singer Vanessa Amorosi will perform at the Commonwealth Games’ opening ceremony in Manchester next month.”

Oh dear God, it’s either a plague or they must have passed into legislation that this girl is to sing at every global sporting event for the next 5 years. Good citizens of Manchester – RUN!!!!

My Sister Lost Her Job Today

My sister, Kate, lost her job today. After 22 years she was given 3 weeks notice. June 22 and it’s all over. The banks are baying at the door and the boss retrenched her. I’m not sure it will help any. Getting rid of people who do the work, and know a business from the ground up, rarely does any good. I suppose, in fairness to Dale, when you can see all you consider your own slipping away then anything and anyone has to be fair game.

This situation is more than normal though for her boss is also her brother-in-law. How would it feel waking up in the morning knowing you are going to sack your sister-in-law? How would it feel taking that news from family? Easier? Harder? I can’t begin to know and hopefully I will never find out.

I’m sure Kate will do fine. She is genuinely wonderful person. Any employer who picks her up will be getting a real gem.

The Bright One

Driving along this morning, bit dark. Hmmmmm, can’t see the road that well. Yep car lights on. Must be the rain. Nope, it’s heavy but not too heavy. Two minutes later. Mmmmm, still very dark. Hmmmmmmm.

Then the light goes on.

The lights are out.

All of Yarraville in complete darkness, except for the traffic lights. Only took me five minutes to notice. Like lightning I am.

You Could Have Mail

Excitement plus. Thanks to apparent problems with the daily emailing set up I’ve had to come up with another way of making sure my legions of fans (you know you are, I hope) don’t miss out on any riveting news from the world of Anthony Malloy.

You can now recieve email notification of when I update. Just go to the ‘Updates via Email’ link to the left and sign up. It’s quick, it’s painless and most of all, it’s fun. (At least one of those previous statements is not correct.)

That’s Progress

Well, Phee’s tooth – the tooth that has been wobbly and creating hell on earth for the past three weeks – finally fell out today. The strange thing is the tooth fairy came during the day. Yep, tooth fell out at midday and the dollar coin turned up not soon after.

I’m fairly sure there is an international law that says the tooth fairy is strictly nocturnal but what the heck, it’s some other tooth fairy’s dollar so who is to complain?

Cooking for a Word Chef

The pressure is on now. I’ve found out that someone other than my parents and Rae has seen my site. Nigel Graber from The Audi Olympics has stumbled across my page and has, gulp, bookmarked me.

The reason I am filled with fear is Nigel is an editor. I guess it’s like cooking when you know a chef may be popping in for dinner. I’ll keep my fingers crossed I don’t burn anything.

I Need A New Dictionary

From the radio news “…a man who is holding his wife hostage after shooting a policeman earlier in the day is sitting on the couch wathcing television. He appears to be quite rational.”

Okay – he’s shot a policeman already, he has his wife hostage, the seige has been going nine hours, he his surrounded by battalions of armed police and he’s sitting there watching television. Rational is not the word that would spring to my mind.


Every morning I get my coffee at work and every morning that George makes it he does the funniest thing.

He always asks me if I want a lid (and for the past four years I’ve always said yes). He then balances it on top of my takeaway latte and says ‘be careful of the lid’, turns away and wanders off. I push the lid down so it pops on nice and snug and wander off myself.

Maybe he missed the training day when they learned lid application.

The World vs Me

Oh it must be tough to be 6. 1st of all you don’t get everything you want all the time, then your dad knocks your tooth loose when he gives you a hug then everyone laughs at you when your pants fall down as you stand up after breakfast.

It’d so much easier if, well, just, well, if….