I Feel An Obsession Coming On

Every now and then I get these over whelming obsessions. Some last a day (“I have to get at tea pot. I want to drink proper tea.”), some mid term (“I’m going to get fit this summer”) and some never seem to fade (my computer obsession started in 1984 with an Acorn Electron and is still going strong 18 years later).

This one has been building for a few days now, and it’s one I’ve had before. I’m not sure if it’s recurring or chronic but it’s definitely back. It’s to build another model helicopter. All I have to do is find a Toyworld and make sure my Visa is clear.

Thinking about it, I guess I’ve had this a while. My dream job has always been to build architectural models; instead I make websites.

How to Impress a Client

Spell the department ‘payrole’ every time during an hour and a half presentation.

Think this is one contract he won’t be getting.

Say Cheese

I’ve finally got around to getting my photo log going. For now there’s only two, and they are old pictures I grabbed off my hard drive, so just pretend they are of something interesting. Hopefully many amazing things will start popping up in front of me. Hopefully if they do I will have my camera with me.

There’s Cost Cutting and There’s Cost Cutting

We went grocery shopping at Coles yesterday. I actually love shopping because it gives me a chance to play with my Palm. I use a great piece of software (SplashShopper) for my shopping list (okay, if this makes me sound like an uber-geek, so be it) and it has the option to sort your list by aisle number.

Being the organised super nerd I am I think this would be a great idea so I asked if they had a map of the store. Now a little history here – Coles is part of Coles Myer, one of Australia’s top business. I remember reading somewhere that 20 cents of every retail dollar spent in Aus is spent at a Coles Myer store. In short, they’re huge.

The lovely check out chick calls up the manager who eventually turns up with a folded map on an A4 sheet. He hands it over to me with the immortal words : “I’ll need this back when you are finished.”

Yeah, right.


Rae bought a scrabble set today. I use to play this game with my nana as a youngster and the memories of these hours spent sitting at her dining room table shuffling through tiles and pitting my young mind against her much older and wiser brain are some of my fondest.

Playing the quick game Rae and I did made me realise how limited my vocabulary is – even though I read a lot when it comes to looking at that rack all I can see is ‘it’, ‘me’, ‘yes’. Mind you I did get to play my Q on a triple word score so I had to smile at that. I have a feeling that there will be many more games after the 309 – 179 win I had today, so I’m going to have to brush up on my two letter words.