Except for being able to see hockey whenever I want this would be the one reason I would move to America.
Spider Problem
We have a spider problem. No. Phee has a spider problem. No, that’s not right either. She’s not infested or suddenly grown six superfluous legs. Phee has a problem with spiders.
It’s quite unnerving to watch her enter a room. She stands in the door way and her eyes roll up and scan every millimetre of the ceiling looking for ‘them’. Even more disconcerting is that five minutes later as you are talking to her her eyes will do a Linda Blair and roll upwards once more, just to make sure none of ‘her friends’ (…with friends like these….) have entered.
We’ve told her she’s no longer allowed to look at the ceiling (what sort of parent has to say that? “I’m sorry sweet Petunia, you are not allowed to look upwards until the age of 21.”) and any talk of spiders will result in her life support being turned off.
One For The Geeks
I’m creating a screen saver for client to use on a corporate intranet. I asked what size monitors and resolution most of them used.
Reply was :
“Oh, most are the same as mine – 33cm across”
Things You Hear Pt II
Overheard this morning in the wee small hours, in bed.
Rae : “I know where you live, so just give it up.”
And that was all.
Pardon Me?
Overheard on the corner of Russell and Collins St, Melbourne, as a drunk man shoved a young blonde into a taxi :
“Don’t worry, it’s only a shorty but I’ll make it worth your while.”
Spot The Difference
On 774 ABC Melbourne tomorrow night A Tribute To Spike Milligan has been replace with an election debate.
Your Honour, I rest my case.
Private W E Malloy
What a great site. The government here really does do some great things on the net and their latest site is wonderful. The World War Two Nominal Roll website presents the service records of men and women who served in the Australian Defence Force and Merchant Navy during World War Two.
I found my Dad and my grandfather. I wish I could have seen my dad’s face when I called and asked for Private W E Malloy, VX129244.
Roll On Summer
It’s almost here. First day over 30 (expected top of 33°C), the first test in an Ashes series and Christmas decorations beginning to appear.
Mind you I’ll be oscilating between two extremes this afternoon – sitting here in 33 degree heat watching the test from the Gabba whilst listening to the Canucks do battle streaming live from Vancouver – where it will 6°. Sunnies on the eyes, ear muffs on the ears.
Had to put my sunglasses on this morning. Why you ask? Was it the sun as I drove over the bridge? Trucks on high beam? Wrecked after a night on the town? Nope – my car’s bonnet was dazzling after my beloved executed a fine cut and polish yesterday.
I should make a full confession that I know nothing of cars. You put petrol in, you turn the key. If it doesn’t start you call the RACV. Rae, on the other hand, has been known to diagnose a problem better than the RACV so I place my car completely in her most capable hands. Both myself and my car are far better off for it.
Owing Work Wages
You have to love my pay department. Apparently I only worked 7.6 hours this last fortnight and after my salary sacrificing arrangements I owe them several hundred dollars for the honour of being employed.
What havoc an errant decimal point can wreak.