The World’s Most Difficult Security Check

The Miller Brewing Co. Age Check is a fantastic way to keep underage viewers out of the site. I especially love the ‘You Must be 21 years or older to enter this site’ above the entry boxes for your date of birth. The beauty is that this is to watch an ad that screens on free-to-air TV anyway.

You should also check out The Family Guide To Making Responsible Choices. If you do let me know what it says, I couldn’t get past the first line – ‘Dear Caring Parent’.

Donnie Darko

I’ve pretty much given up on film reviews here ’cause there’s too many bad reviewers on the net to bother adding another to the pile so I didn’t mention that we went to see Donnie Darko (info | buy | netflix) last Friday at The Sun. It was one of the most impressive films I’ve seen in ages (and supports Anya’s theory on rabbits so convincingly I thought I’d have nightmares) but I was so befuddled by the ending I thought I’d better check out IMDB and see what everyone else had to say about it.

It was there I discovered this gem from a reviewer :

“This film will really make me think about myself mentally.”

See, how am I supposed to compete with that level of writing?

Too Late

My discman sold! So, it was for the reserve price but $40 is $40.

Thought you’d all like to know.


Rae and I watched ‘The Perfect Storm’ last night. A good movie that didn’t need its extended build – the story is compelling enough without labouring over women left behind and minor tensions in the crew. The last half – the storm – is a visual feast. They even used the waves for Star Wars Episode 2.

Anyways, watching these fishermen doing their stuff got me to thinking about the complete absence of ‘work’ from my work. These men were battling the elements (and the fish), standing firm in the face of gales, heaving ho under the sun and generally working up a sweat of the highest order.

Me? I shovel pixels from place to place.

“Hey Honey I’m home. You should’ve seen me today – I lugged a 1.1 meg pdf from the network to my local drive. Also shrank that 45k jpg to 13.5k with no discernible quality loss. Pass me a beer, I’ve earned it.”


Okay, nobody wants to buy my discman so I’m hoping I’ll have more luck in the other auction. Bids close today so hopefully no one else wanted the #10 jumper for more than $160 and it will be hanging on my wall some time next week.

It’s a nerve wracking business this auction thing – I don’t think I’d be able to cope buying a house.

Old Time Fun

I bought a new Discman for my car the other day (and why haven’t you made a bid on my old one yet?) and one of its features is it can play CDR/RW – or CD’s you record yourself.

So today I grabbed a disc wallet and I’m burning a heap of CD’s to keep in the car. It’s just like the old days of making tapes but with a few differences.

You don’t have to add up the times to make sure each side is under 45 minutes.
You don’t have to wait five seconds at the start for the header to go by.
You don’t have to be quick on the pause button.
There’s no rewinding.
There’s no pondering on whether Dolby should be on or off.
No inlay cards.
No lugs to punch afterwards.

So far I’ve done one CD each of New Order, Paul Kelly, The The & The Tragically Hip. Still to come are Deb Conway, Pet Shop Boys and a few collections of odds and sods.

I’d forgotten how much fun this can be.

I Give Up

The Geo thing doesn’t want to acknowledge I exist.

They join my list. For reference here it is :

Tony’s List

1) Sam the Newsagent, Yarraville.
2) The Geo Thing People

I know it’s a small list and I’m working on making more mortal enemies but it’s a hard job when you have high tolerance levels.

Who Is Blogging Near Me?

This is just so geeky cool. There’s a website that allows you to register your longitude and latitude and your blog name and then, by clicking on the simple button below, they’ll tell you who is blogging near by. It’s just starting up so there aren’t that many people online yet but hopefully it’ll grow.

So, let’s see if anyone else is blogging in these parts…

*Updated 15/1/2003*