Old Time Fun

I bought a new Discman for my car the other day (and why haven’t you made a bid on my old one yet?) and one of its features is it can play CDR/RW – or CD’s you record yourself.

So today I grabbed a disc wallet and I’m burning a heap of CD’s to keep in the car. It’s just like the old days of making tapes but with a few differences.

You don’t have to add up the times to make sure each side is under 45 minutes.
You don’t have to wait five seconds at the start for the header to go by.
You don’t have to be quick on the pause button.
There’s no rewinding.
There’s no pondering on whether Dolby should be on or off.
No inlay cards.
No lugs to punch afterwards.

So far I’ve done one CD each of New Order, Paul Kelly, The The & The Tragically Hip. Still to come are Deb Conway, Pet Shop Boys and a few collections of odds and sods.

I’d forgotten how much fun this can be.

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