
After a year and a half of resistance we have finally succumbed. The siren song of Fox Footy Channel became too alluring and we have dashed ourselves upon its rocks. Its very expensive rocks.

What tune did they sing? The “The only way to see the Tigers play in Adelaide this weekend is on Fox Footy Channel’ song. Yep – there is no free to air broadcast of the game on any media in Melbourne so it was either head to a pub or cough up $75 so we can watch it at home. Beer is cheaper at home and I can yell at Phee to get out of the road without fear of her turning around and decking me, so we went with option 2.

I call Telstra and eventually get through to Brenda.

B : “Let me just calculate your discount and let you know how much it will be.”

Me : &ltQuick mental caluculation of 5% off 75&gt “$71.25”

B : “Now that’s 75 and…”

Me : “It’s $71.25”

B : “…with 5% disciount.”

Me : “It’s $71.25”

B : “Let me jut get my caculator sir.”

Me : “It’s $71.25”

B: &lttap tap tap mutter mutter&gt “..and 75”

Me : “It’s $71.25”

B : “That comes to $71.25 sir.”

Sure, we get the two channels for the rest of the year but I still hate the thought of having to pay watch a game on telly.

The Golden Staffy

The wise, venerable and no doubt physically striking members of that august body, the AFL tribunal, have confirmed what all sane (ie non-Hawthorn) people knew; Richmond’s Golden Boy, Greg Stafford (The Golden Staffy) is innocent and free to continue his magnificent playing career.

To the tribunal – well done from all intelligent, free thinking and able-sighted people of this land. Now run free Greg, run free…

No Sleep

Oscar, our little girl kitten who has been an outside cat for a week or so now, decided not to come home last night. Rae and I are both beside ourselves with worry, which is silly ’cause she’s only a cat but we both love our pets. I didn’t sleep much as I lay listening for the sound of her bells jingling up to the door. Thankfully she has one of Thomas’ tags on (hers are yet to arrive from The National Pet Register) so if she’s okay and lost and finds a nice enough person we may hear something yet.

Come home Oz, we miss you and I need the sleep.

Speak Up

London Mark got me thinking about this a while ago and a comment today sparked it back to life again so I’m going to do it.

I’m going to have a comment policy.

While I believe you are free to say whatever you like I also believe you have to be accountable for what you say; it’s all part of being an adult. So from now on if you don’t leave an email address on which I can contact you, should I want to, then your comment may be edited or deleted. I will never delete or edit a comment that has a contact address without contacting that person – if I have a problem with something someone has written I want to talk to them first. So far I haven’t had a problem with anything that anyone has written but I thought I should just lay this down so I can say ‘told you so’.

Any way, it’s my blog, so I can do what I like with it.

Tiger Stuff

Calling all Tiger Fans! The Tiges have put some new stuff on the site – including a screensaver, wallpaper and, for those who have never heard it, our magnificent club anthem (while in spirit probably close to it’s original 1950’s sound it’s a very different version to what they play at the G, but hey – it’s still the best song in the league). Here’s some help if you need the lyrics.

For the uninitiated the bit where the bloke sings ‘Yellow & Black’ is what makes a victory so much sweeter ’cause you yell this out at the top of your lungs. 40,000 Tiger fans screaming ‘Yellow & Black’ must scare the hell out of anyone.

A Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Miss Jen Jen raises a very important, yet taboo, subject. The love between a caffeine addict and their supplier/pimp/pusher.

I tell our own tragic story of addiction and broken loyalties in a comment on her entry. I only hope Leo doesn’t read her blog.