
After a year and a half of resistance we have finally succumbed. The siren song of Fox Footy Channel became too alluring and we have dashed ourselves upon its rocks. Its very expensive rocks.

What tune did they sing? The “The only way to see the Tigers play in Adelaide this weekend is on Fox Footy Channel’ song. Yep – there is no free to air broadcast of the game on any media in Melbourne so it was either head to a pub or cough up $75 so we can watch it at home. Beer is cheaper at home and I can yell at Phee to get out of the road without fear of her turning around and decking me, so we went with option 2.

I call Telstra and eventually get through to Brenda.

B : “Let me just calculate your discount and let you know how much it will be.”

Me : &ltQuick mental caluculation of 5% off 75&gt “$71.25”

B : “Now that’s 75 and…”

Me : “It’s $71.25”

B : “…with 5% disciount.”

Me : “It’s $71.25”

B : “Let me jut get my caculator sir.”

Me : “It’s $71.25”

B: &lttap tap tap mutter mutter&gt “..and 75”

Me : “It’s $71.25”

B : “That comes to $71.25 sir.”

Sure, we get the two channels for the rest of the year but I still hate the thought of having to pay watch a game on telly.

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