My ‘new look’. Yes, I managed to grow some hair on my face over my holidays so I’m keeping it for a while.
Is there any more depressing time than 5.30 on a Sunday evening the night before you go back to work after two weeks off?
They’re coming!
Star Wars – The Original Trilogy on DVD! So September 2004 is shaping up big, what with a Tiger premiership and Star Wars on DVD…
Car now washed and here’s the proof.
Things I learnt washing the car this morning :
Sun is your enemy.
Dirt can be stubborn.
We need more buckets.
Enjo car cleaning gloves rock.
I miss being able to use a hose.
Car washing is easier with 2 people.
You should eat breakfast before cleaning a car.
Red shows up dirt way too easy. My next car will be ‘Mud’ or ‘Dust’ in colour.
Okay, last day of my two weeks off, let’s see how I’ve gone.
Billable work – all done.
Number of pages of 1500 page book I wanted to finish that I’ve managed to read : 10
Number of DVDs watched : 0
Number of blog re-designs completed : 0 out of 2
Number of offices cleaned up : .5
Number of times car has been cleaned : 0
Number of times house has had a top-to-bottom clean : 0
Number of lunches in cool locations : 1
Amount (in %) I have enjoyed myself regardless : 100%
Look At Me, I’m Retro
I’ve been searching locally for some old Eurythmics CD’s so today we headed off to JB Hi-Fi to have a look. I was incredibly dissapointed, none to be found and I have my heart set on ‘Revenge’ (Buy at Amazon). Dissapointed, that is, until I turned around and saw them in the ‘Retro – 70’s and 80’s’ section. At least they had ‘Be Yourself Tonight’ (Buy at Amazon) for this old man.
Run Jack
The mighty Jack Dyer.
The Great Ocean Road is long, and very bendy and when you have a new car that hugs the road and you pretend that you and the idiot behind you are in a race and that when the sign says this hairpin bend should be taken at 25 and you take it at 50 ’cause you safely can and this goes on for a 100 kilometres it can be a lot of fun. Trust me.
And when you are wearing a Canucks jersey and run in to a Canadian wearing a Canucks cap at the 12 Apostles and you end up having a good chat about the team’s fortunes you realise the world is a very small place.
And when you finish the day in Footscray with good Vietnamese after lunching in Apollo Bay and coffeeing in Port Campbell you realise that life is pretty good.
(And we couldn’t get a good price for Phee so she’s still with us.)
Phee’s Monday
Right, Monday before Cup Day and we all have the day off. We’re off to sell Phee in to slavery on a farm for a nice day trip down the Great Ocean Road.
Home Invasion
We’ve had a home invasion.
Evidence has been found in the laundry, our bedroom and the hall way. This morning I was just in time to catch the culprit running out the back door but he was too quick for me.
Scar Face, a local tom who has designs on our Belter, is becoming bolder and bolder. This week I have caught him in Phee’s room, our bedroom, my office and in the laundry eating our kid’s food. Tom, the big wimp that he is, just sits back and lets him go where as Belter gets a little edgy but realises she would fighting outside her division. When home, we like to let the cats come in and out as they please but if the cheeky bugger keeps up these antics the door may have to stay firmly shut.