My Vet’s Cooler Than Your Vet

Just dropped Tom off at the vet. He’s been in a fight and has a nasty abscess on his back which has to be flushed.

As I was leaving Hany picked up Tom and brought him out to the front door to say bye.

That’s why my vet’s cooler than your vet.

Rae’s Birthday

It’s Rae’s birthday today. The first bit won’t be fun for her, facing the ex-agents from hell so if you want to do a nice thing, pop on over and wish her a happybirthday.

Happy Birthday Hon.

Love Letter To A Radio Station

My dear 6 Music from the BBC,

you were only gone a few days but for this short time I was lost, cast adrift with aimless ears.

I promise I shall never let you go again. Never. Well, unless we end up hating the neighbours here too and have to move again and my ADSL is gone and it takes a long time to get it reconnected.

But until then I am devotedly yours.


Thanks And Cats

To all those who commented and mailed r.e Barlow McEwan and Tribe’s strongarm attempts, many many thanks. I could write more but it’s just too draining to contemplate them, all we want is for the whole mess to be over once and for all. Oh, and for them to go out of business if at all possible.

Anyways, moving on to wetter things.

Got home from final day of the course today to find both cats waiting outside. Wet. In the rain. Not under the carport. Not under the front porch. Not in the garage and not in the little garden shed. These poor wet felines are also having trouble with the front door. Our old door opened left to right so they became accustomed to sitting a little back on the left hand side so they could run in. Big problem now ’cause our door now opens right to left. They still sit at the left hand side, slowly being wedged betwixt door and wall. Belter is beginning to realise, which is not bad for such a flibidygibet of a cat, but good ole big thick Tom still sits waiting for the door to miraculously let him in.

The Day

First off, the course. 8 hours of nothing but MS SQL – so intensive there’s no time to apply what you’ve learnt. My head is swimming with SELECT, INSERT’s, UPDATE’s, DROP’s; will have to find some time somewhere to install the trial and play around before all the information gets tangled in a ball I can never undo. The teacher, from Monash Gippsland, is good, especially given the conditions.

The course is in what looks to be a private residence in a very 70’s area of Endeavour Hills. Apparently if they have enough numbers, which they never do ’cause they don’t market the courses, they hold them in the city. We have three PC’s set up on rickety tables with one 33k modem connected. The room seems to be a deserted lounge room lined with that lovely 70’s creation, panelling. The curtains are burnt orange and let’s not talk about the carpet.

And not talking about carpets leads me neatly on to the second part of the day.

Barlow McEwan and Tribe. The agents who did nothing to ensure the quiet enjoyment of our property, the agents who couldn’t get keys cut, the agents who took three days to respond when our fence fell down, the agents who don’t return calls, the agents who don’t respond to faxes, the agents who don’t send a fax when you request one, the agents who never once responded in writing to any of written requests. I’m sure you get a picture.

These agents called today and told me the place was a mess. They tried to tell us they would have to replace the carpet. They tried to tell us the kitchen wasn’t clean. They tried to tell us we damaged the garage we had no access to. They have threatened to take all of our bond. She even asked if we had painted the walls! In all my years of renting, that’s 17 now, I have never had any of my bond kept.

I requested she put in writing her concerns and to fax them to me. Surprise, surprise when there was no fax waiting upong my arrival home.

Just when we thought we were rid of them, and today was the official end of lease day, they have dragged us back in.

I’m Back!

In an otherwise very topsy turvy day (more of which later) I have one great thing to report.

ADSL is connected!!!

In just three working days since they received my application to transfer the job is done. For once I can’t moan about Telstra, although I prefer to heap my praise on Netspace for delivering me from dial up hell.

New Stuff

Well it’s a new house so time for other new stuff. I’m finally teaching myself PHP, with thanks to Bee and Daniel which means I should be able to wean myself off the evil clutches of Microsoft‘s ASP. I can’t escape from Microsoft entirely though – work is sending me on a course tomorrow and Tuesday to get me up to speed with MS SQL 2000. It’s a little alarming that the course requires me to travel past Dandenong, and apparently at a private house, but hey, more stuff to know so it has to be good.

I’ve also managed, without my precious ADSL, to put some junk valuable goods on Ebay, to get all outstanding work done for my clients, get my invoicing up to date and send out some quotes. Fingers crossed this new office set up will help me keep this up.

Progress Report

We’re in the new place, it’s great. We’re broke. The cats have now joined us so the family is complete once more. The lounge looks like a lounge, which is homely, the kitchen is messy enough to be a properly moved in to kitchen. We have our Foxtel. Most of the other rooms are still packed with cardboard boxes and striped bags but we’re hoping that by the end of the weekend we should be almost normal.

There’s a back shed that Rob and I have claimed as the Scalextric room, if only I could save the money to get one, that is. Phee is happy in her huge new room, next step is a desk of her own so she can draw to her hears content in there. The garage is already getting stuff thrown in it willy nilly. I can sit here at my desk and watch Phee play totem tennis in the back yard.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to apply for my ADSL connection yet ’cause the previous tenant’s connection is still live here. If I apply now the application will be rejected, I’ll get charged and have to go again. Hopefully that will be sorted out within a day or two so I can get the application under way, dial up is killing me.

We’re handing back the keys to the old place tomorrow and in a minor victory we have got away with giving only 24 days notice. In some way I’m sad, it was a lovely place and would have made a wonderful home for a few years but the pressure that had been building up and that has been released only over the last few days was too much. It will be good riddance to neighbours, agents and land lords who cared for no one but themselves.

We have our new house now, and it already feels more of a home than the old one ever did.

Legends of 2004

The following people are hereby officially ridgy didge legends.

(In order of appearance)


Without them Rae, Phee and I would not be in our lovely new house and our old house would not be sparkling clean.

If you see any of these people walking down a street please genuflect before them.

(Yes, we’re in. We’re tired. The cats are coming home tonight. We will be forever grateful to those above for everything they did to help us yesterday, thanks again guys from all of us. Oh yeah, dial up sucks.)