Why I Love My Gal

Tonight I put the car under the carport when I got home as it looked like rain. Rather than have Rae get home, hop out of her car, move mine, drive through the carport, park her car in the garage and then move mine back in I SMS’d her the following:

“Give me two rings and I will move the car.”

Her reply via SMS:

“Give me two rings and I will say yes.”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of why I love my gal.


Why didn’t some one tell me how cool whipper snippers are a long long time ago?

Sporting Conciliation

I have to go to the other side of the world to get some sporting conciliation, but when I do it’s huge.

The mighty Canucks made it in to the playoffs yesterday and in the process managed to clinch the division title for the first time in 11 years, ending Colorado’s 10 year reign at the top. There was much dancing around the house in jubilation.

Bring on the first round of the playoffs, Calgary will hopefully be our first victim on the road to the Cup.

The Big Men Fly And The Big Men Fall

Here we go again.

Saying Richmond has problems is possibly the understatement of the year. Last night we had our strongest team possible on the field, we were coming off a wonderful first round win and the club was not the centre of the football media spotlight for the first time in a fortnight. We were playing an opposition that had been in crisis, who had been thumped the week before and who we had defeated the previous five times we met.

All of this, of course, counted for nothing on the night.

I don’t mind that we lost, I guess I’ve grown accustomed to that, but it’s how we lost. It was an insipid, uninspired non attempt at playing football that nearly every man who had the honour of wearing the yellow and black last night should be ashamed of. It was frustrating to see them lose the physical attack on the ball, the drive to be first at the contest, the ability to pick a player and to watch them fall back on old ways (heads down, aimless running, poor skills, poor selection) just three minutes in to the game and three goals down.

Tigers are meant to fight and fight and win.

It’s only two games in but we all know what’s coming at Tigerland, and it ain’t gonna be pretty.

I’m A Tragic

You know you’re a footy tragic when at work three people stop you in the space of 100 metres to say “though of you when the Tigers won on Friday night”.