It’s A Boy!

Helen had a boy! Tom Anthony Janke, born 1.13am September 9, 2002. 7 pounds something (no idea what that is in real weights). Mum and baby fine – Dad emotionally exhausted.

More details and photos to follow later today.

Congratulations Helen and Dale.

Baby News

No news yet. Apparently the baby has just been induced – I assume this means there is a doctor waiving a lollie say “come out now, and you can have this….”

Go Helen!

Oh much excitement – my ‘little’ sister, Helen, is just about to have her first child. Waters have broken and every one is just standing around waiting now.

Stand by for further developments (and pictures).


I can’t live with it any more, so here goes…

When I was a young lad I would cheat with ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books.

It’s Back

7.00 am, just as I was leaving for work.

Just in time for the weekend too.

I can see what they (The Neighbours From Hell) did. They let us believe all would be well, lulled us into both sleep and a false sense of security for a few days and then BAMM. The weekend comes and they wreak their revenge.

We are going to have devise some form of cunning plan….

Wanna Make Me Grumpy?

1) Know nothing about PC’s and how files are stored.
2) Decide to back up your mails.
3) Know nothing about backing up mails and just do whatever strikes your fancy.
4) Reformat your PC.
5) Have no idea how to get the ‘backup’ back.

6) Call me on the phone and expect me to tell how your system (that I have never seen) is set up and then how to get your ‘back up’ back whilst all the time displaying your staggering ignorance of any computer technology postdating the abacus.

I Been Blogged


Blogfish has included me on their link list under ‘Digital Photography’. Thankyou, whoever you are, now I’m really going to have to take some more pics.

Where be the Rooster?

I’m not obsessing, truly, but there was no rooster this morning and it must be for one of two reasons:

a) It blew away. This is the one I’m hoping for. Last night we (all 4-5 million Melbournians) had a massive wind storm. The SES spokesman said it was their busiest night ever for calls, mainly because the winds were spread over all of Melbourne. So I’m hoping The Rooster From Hell (close relation to The Neighbour FH & The Guests FH) was picked up in a wind gust and is now sitting atop the Rialto (or here) building.

b) The ranger went to see them yesterday and after a nice chat and cup of tea some arrangements have been made so the neighbourhood can sleep in peace.

Hopefully, for your sake and mine, this will be the last rooster bulletin.

Dad’s Day

Although Father’s Day started early thanks to our new mortal enemy – next door’s rooster, my first Dad’s Day was magical.

Phoebe purchased me a wonderful present from her school stall – a digital watch. Yep, I am now the proud owner (and sometime wearer) of a camouflage digital watch. Genuine plastic casing and band. It’s rather special. She also gave me a key chain and made me a card – covered with her current favourites incorporating Peter Pan, the Little Mermaid, Buzz Lightyear, Hi-5, the Life Education Van from school (?!?!?) and the collection of Australian coins. That’s my girl.

Rae then made my morning. She gave me a beautiful ring – three intertwined bands running around my finger in a patter guaranteed to give a mobius strip a headache. Between my new watch and ring I’m a pretty lucky guy.

Of course no Dad’s Day is complete without socks (ta Rae), a great breakfast and walk along the water front.

I think I could use to this.

Rooster Watch

My life is reduced to this. 5.10 am (yes, there is a ‘5’ on the morning clock) Rae and I are peeping over the next door neighbour’s fence rooster spotting.

Three times it crowed (again) and it was the third one that gave it away. A big black rooster, sitting on a chair in the shadows, looking very happy with itself. We now have confirmation that the people at 112 are keeping wildlife, and our bet is it is without a permit. The damn thing repeated its trick three times before sunrise too – each time just as we were about tip over the edge back into sleep.

Fair enough – a chook that clucks by day, but a rooster guaranteed to wake you at 5 every morning. No way. Of course the Council isn’t open on the weekend but come Monday the crowing will stop.