
Last year we decided we were sick of looking at a bare fence when we sat at out table so we decided to plant a few trees to see what we could achieve. Now we are the house were plants come to die so there wasn’t much hope but it turns out we chose wisely.

Today our pittosporums received their first haircut. This is supposed to encourage them to thicken up and start growing out rather than up so now we sit back for another year and see how we went.



Public Property

Getting fit has some great side effects. You can run up the ramps at the MCG without collapsing, the kids can’t exhaust you just by suggesting walking home from school, you just generally feel better but it also has a couple of odd effects.

One being this.

This morning after the gym I went to get coffees. I was waiting for the order when I noticed a mum from school She is the mother of one of Bert’s friends from Prep. I know her enough to nod and say hello, but not even well enough to know her name, so I nodded and said hello.

She said hi and then followed up with ‘”you’ve lost too much weight, you’re too skinny now. Not enough meat on your bones, don’t loose any more.”

I have no idea why a person who is to all intents and purposes a stranger would say that to me. Sure, if you know me it would be okay, but imagine if I walked up to someone I had seen a couple of times at the shops and said “gee, you’re fat, you really need to loose that weight, stop eating”. Quite rightly I would be told where to go and how quickly I should go there.

What do you think? Is it okay to tell someone they are too skinny but not okay to tell someone they are overweight? What level of acquaintance makes it okay? Me, I think a person’s weight is completely their own business and not a topic for conversation unless they raise it, especially with someone you don’t know.


Mr Henry has been having some issues with reading so I’ve been working with him. It dawned on me today that there were certain letters he has problems with so I sat down to find out which ones they were by showing him letters at random  and found something interesting. There’s eight ‘problems’ and when you lay them out you can see it’s letters that look similar when mirrored or inverted.

n u

i l

p q

g d

I wish I knew more about why this is. For now I’m going to tackle it one letter at a time, tonight we nailed ‘p’.

For 10 Years Time

This is just to remind me in 10 years that once upon a time the best thing she could be doing on a Sunday afternoon was going to the football with her dad.


Autumn Clean

My office has been getting me down of late, even though I’ve cleaned off the desk to get focus back as I work my shelving and drawers were a disgrace. Overflowing, junk stuffed anywhere. Today I made a quick, for me, trip to Officeworks and I’m feeling a lot better





Tender Thoughts

For those who aren’t my friend on Facebook…

On Twitter a person with this as their bio line "I believe that happiness comes from within & that life is what you make of it. Have a wonderful husband and am an aunty to a gorgeous niece" just posted this little rant

"Sick of incompetent people! If I order TENDERLOINS I expect tenderloins, NOT thighs! **** you @NandosAUS!! #derrimut #nandos"

Not much happiness within, must be all the chicken things taking its place.


Angry Henry

Henry has a fascination with The Hulk, so much so that when I bought him a Hulk mask last week he dived off in to his room to find an old Christmas t-shirt that was just the right colour to make him even more Hulkish,


Coles Conversation

I was at the deli in Coles this afternoon buying stuff for dinner tonight. I placed my order and the lady behind the counter paused and said “Do you ever bring your wife shopping? We only ever see you and the kids here.”

Now that’s a conversation I wasn’t expecting to have.

I explained how I worked from home and it generally fell to me to get the day to day shopping She seemed happy enough and went off to get my chook.