The Odds?

Rae and I were married 8(ish) years ago. It was a hot day and we hired out our then favourite cafe’s backyard for dinner with family as our reception.

* insert swirly time passing images here *

Last week Rae and I decided we need to get out more, just the two of us, so we started looking for a baby sitter to give us this time. We decided as our first go we’d head out for coffee for a couple of hours, just to see if everything went smoothly. We had a look online and eventually found Claire, a well qualified and local sitter. She was available so we organised a time for Sunday.

Come Sunday and Claire arrived. I opened the door to let her in and called out to Rae, but Rae didn’t hear as she was drying her hair. I made small talk while waiting, she seemed lovely and the kids (especially the boys, who I have never seen act all giggly like that before) fell under her spell instantly. Rae came out and said hi.

Then Claire asked “Have you lived here long?”

We told her no, we’ve only been here a few years and that we previously lived in Spotswood.

She smiled. “I though so. I’m Claire from the ‘Coat”.

It ends up that the young woman standing in front of us had recognised us straight away – she had been the waitress at our reception all those years ago.

Of all the people we could have selected – what would be the odds of that?

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