
Rae and I have slimmed down quite a bit over the past year and it seems to be catching.

I bought a new wallet a while go, back when I was hiding in baggy jeans. Baggy jeans have big pockets but this wallet annoyed me once I had filled it – it was huge. Way too bulky and when I moved to slimmer fitting jeans it really began to annoy me. Then a few weeks ago I noticed it had already started to fall apart so when I saw an ad for ‘slim wallets’ I clicked straight away.

And boy am I glad I did.

I found the Bellroy site and was instantly struck by how cool their wallets were. I ummed and ahhhhhd and eventually settled on their Hide and Seek. Sure, it’s pricey but given I’d probably spend the same on a couple of wallets in the time this new one should last it’s not so bad.

I’ve followed their tips on how to slim your wallet and added Key Ring to my phone for my loyalty cards. The difference is amazing. Pardon the pencil on the 2nd shot. The wallet is brand new and not yet worked in enough to stay shut by itself.





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