My Tweets For The Week

  • Sigh. Mum is in Vancouver. Sigh. #
  • …I'd buy you some art ( A Picasso or a Garfunkel) … #
  • Follow The Yellow Brick Path #
  • My EA is hard at work organising my annual trip to Sydney. #
  • If, statistically, the final 8 is set by round 7 why don't we just have a seven round session? #
  • Just got an sms from Mum. 'Luv Vanc'. Like son like mother. #
  • Argh! Mum and Peter went on a tour of Rogers Arena (the Canucks stadium)! Hoping the Canucks store was open. #
  • Just had a chat with a journo from The Age. #
  • And good dead done for the day. #
  • No, haven't killed anyone, it was a good deed. #
  • 'Confusion' on @abcdigmusic. How appropriate. #
  • And just to add to the confusion it wasn't on @abcdigmusic, it was on @BBCChrisHawkins . I think I may go back to bed and start today again. #
  • 'German pizza chain'. Now there's an unexpected phrase. #
  • Time to get a little Introspective… #
  • Now I'm Being Boring #
  • Bert doesn't it but we're walking home today. #
  • No complaints from Bert and a nice chatty walk home. #
  • Wow, double barrel firing! #yeslordsugar #
  • The Best Way To Spend A Rainy Morning Before School #
  • Any one else notice it seems to be raining a bit? #
  • So the only I way I can get written information on your insurance cover is to take out a policy and then cancel? You have to be joking. #
  • Picking up Bert will be fun today, can't leave kids in car so we're all going to be wet. #
  • With no Rae or Phee home it means no gym today. Not happy. #
  • Who is that dodgy Malloy character quoted in The Age today? Oh, that would be me. #
  • Here's the article : #
  • What a glorious day! #
  • Thanks @ColesOnline, delivery on the dot of 8.30, means we have the day free. #
  • Couldn't agree more Tom Ryan – #
  • Guilty pleasure #5326 – Dragons Den #

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