My Tweets For The Week

  • Woo Hoo, had to go and pick up Bert but looks like my suggestion kicked off Town and Country on the @BBCChrisHawkins show! #teatowelclub #
  • They mowed their nature strip yesterday, woman in red blazer taking snaps today. Seems we may be getting new neighbours. #
  • One mystery MAC address on my network. Can not, for the life of me, figure out what it is attached to. #
  • Canucks pre-season starts today, here we go again… #
  • If there was a milk bar opposite Bert's school I'd buy out every lolly they had. #wishfullthinking #sugarcravingsgonemad #
  • Star Wars on Bluray was spectacular, the little ones loved it too. #
  • I am not a DJ : #
  • Truck backing up next door – can't tell if it's moving in or moving out though. #damnIneedasidewindow #
  • Confirmed – neighbours moving out. #
  • Two sleeping adults, 5 kids watching Yogi Bear, time to get some work done. #butit #039;sonly7.15onasundaymorningareyouinsane #
  • Never, ever, look at the colour of the water after steam cleaning your carpets. #
  • Poor Bert, came off worse in a confrontation with some paving stones yesterday and is a sad and sorry boy still. #

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