My Tweets For The Week

  • There is not enough paracetamol in the world at the moment. #
  • Appears TPG is having routing issues today, makes work tricky when you can't get where you need to. #
  • Chose to have a shower just as the ice-cream man made his fortnightly visit to the street. Not sure the kids have truly forgiven me. #
  • 5 loads of washing done, hung out and brought in. #thankyoufreakishlywarmdayforthistimeofyear #
  • Scavenger just skulked up the street picking off all the electrical items put out for hard garbage. #
  • Why is that many hard rubbish thieves seem to drive really nice cars? #
  • We need to make wills. Kits okay or is it something that we really should get advice. No complex affairs to take care of. #
  • Moo just came in and told me, quite earnestly, that she needs a Tiger tattoo. #
  • Smartphone wars: Android topples iPhone via @theage #
  • That's weird – postie delivered twice today, hours apart. #
  • If you haven't watched Supersizers Go before switch over to SBS now! #
  • Grrrrr. We need a bigger a house. Or one about 40cm wider. #
  • Watching Insidious. If I had a gourd I'd be scared out of it. #
  • Enough work for today, I'm claiming a little of my Sunday for some reading. #

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