My Tweets For The Week

  • #teatowelclub My new retro radio. The Hawk sounds great. via @twitpic #
  • Love clients who say yes to a conference call. Two hours in Friday evening traffic would not have been fun. #
  • My feet are freezing but I have a client coming so I can't swap the shoes for nice warm slippers. #
  • Meeting postponed!! Slippers here I come. #
  • Telstra spent 4 hours trying to set up a clients phone and couldn't get it to work. Took me 7 minutes including waiting for the test email. #
  • Glad Henry isn't home today, I got all the sushi all to myself. #
  • Zero degrees. Is that even a real temperature? #
  • Been a good 6th birthday for Bert so far, now we face The Macca's Party. #
  • Looks like there's a party at The Ferals tonight. Sigh, #
  • Rae is at the footy. Means Frost/Nixon on the telly and half a tub of lemon sorbet for dinner. #iwillmisstheofftywhenitsgone #

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