
The exterior of the Sun Theatre Yarraville.Yesterday was my birthday and I had one of the best birthdays in years, 2nd to my 80s do last year. This year it fell on a Saturday which meant I got to spend it with Rae.

Lucky for me Zita (Mother In Law Of The Year 10 years running now…) offered to look after the kids so my birthday started Friday afternoon, A quick goodbye to the three young ones and I was free, free! Rae was still in Sydney so I had a few hours to myself and went to the movies at The Sun. The less said about the only film that suited time-wise the better, it was a shocker but there’s still something great about getting the opportunity to go the movies.

After the movies i headed down to Williamstown where Rae and I were staying the night. I took myself off to Tai  Hong Cafe on Nelson Place for some noodles and people watching. I love sitting in windows just watching the world go by and this night proved just how old I had become. Two lovely young ladies walked by in micro dresses, dressed to kill. My first and only thought was “oh, go home and put something warm on, you must be freezing”. I think that makes me officially over the hill.

Looking towards Melbourne from Williamstown.

The Quest Williamston apartments were lovely, although the bed was like sleeping on a rock. I don’t think I’ve slept in a bed before that has absolutely no give. We woke up to lovely peaceful views across to the city, the gentle clanking from the boats in dock and sea birds calling. It was early so we wandered on down to Nelson Place looking for some breakfast. If you’re ever in Williamstown for breakfast we highly recommend Accents. The coffee was perfect and the breakfast was without fault. It was an amazingly mild morning for winter so we could sit outside and eavesdrop on the cyclists who had stopped for a coffee and watch one poor seagull try to protect a triangle of toast.

Sign outside Accent cafe in williamstown.A bare tree in Williamstown.Two breakfasts at Accent Cafe in Williamstown,.

Then I got to do one of my most favourite things – a walk around Queen Vic market. I have no idea why I love this so much but nothing makes me as happy as strolling along the aisles of the Queen Vic, ever since I first visited their as 14 year old on holiday with mum and dad. We spent two hours meandering and apart from some pens for the kids walked away empty handed.

We finally headed home and after an unscheduled detour to the local shops Rae got to see the kids for the first time in two and a half days and I continued to be spoiled rotten with gifts and attention. The night was topped off with my favourite dinner, Rae’s home made chicken parma and a movie on the couch. It was a perfect day, Thank you Zita for taking on the kids overnight and thank you my love for making feel like the only person in the world. Mwah.

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