My Tweets For The Week

  • Happy birthday. #
  • Client meeting with Kim from MET Fitness followed by client meeting with Barb from Derrimut Village pizza. Talk about good and bad angels. #
  • Cool, my Pulp DVD turned up from the UK today. Can't remember the last DVD I bought. I still want to be Jarvis Cocker. #
  • Just watched this trailer. I can't wait. #
  • Just My Type: $29.95 at Sun Book Store in Yarraville. $12.25 for my @AmazonKindle, delivered in under a minute. #
  • They set me up over five years, now I'm going to jail. #weirdbutincrediblyrealfeelingdream #
  • Have been sending out invoice for 11 months with the wrong post code. Me so smart. #
  • How long has Skype been pausing my media player instead of just lowering the volume? That's pretty cool. #
  • Today has gone way too quickly, can we just pause a bit while I catch up. #
  • The Canucks are cup bound! #
  • This, this, is how you win a hockey game that puts you in to the final Stanley Cup play off round. #
  • Kids dressed, had breakfast, lunches packed, washing on, beds made – all by 7.45. What bizarro wold have I woken up in today? #
  • Good to hear payroll are as gruff as ever at my ex-employer. Can still remember my old payroll number too all these years later. #
  • Rob just told me Pulp are playing here in Melbourne late July. * clears credit card * #
  • Woo Hoo! I got the 5.15!! @BBCChrisHawkins @ClaireSlevin Thanks guys. #teatowelclub #
  • Awesome tool for web designers : Have printed out one to try. #
  • Time to watch The Apprentice! #yeslordsugar #
  • Every person in this house is coughing, barking or wheezing. Thinking we may have to paint a cross on the front door. #
  • Nice walk in cool evening air with the family. Slightly spoilt by the sight of The Ferals setting up for a party. #nosleeptonight #
  • Today we remove the subtitles from the Doctor Who mkv before we watch it. #
  • Doctor Who, Rebel Flesh Pt 2. Wow. #
  • Bugger the cold; front and back lawn (well, patches of grass) mowed, kids in bath and now making dinner. An early night ahead methinks. #
  • They ate it all, even with a little pepper in it. Dad pasta ftw. #
  • Kids in bed. Cleaning done. Rae on way home. Time for some Rebus and Primal Scream in the background. #
  • "We wanna be free, to do what we wanna do." Early 90s nirvana. (not Nirvana) #screamadelica #
  • finished Tooth And Nail by Ian Rankin. Now back to Edinburgh and number 4, Strip Jack. @beathhigh #Kindle #

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