Just When You Give Up Hope

After we built our deck we barrelled on and cleared the backyard. We then had it flattened, brought in some top soil and with more hope than anything else we sprinkled some lawn seed and left it the vagaries of the weather.

That was almost two weeks ago and we had all but given up hope. We had a pretty wild storm last week and it seemed to blow/wash away or drown most of the seed so we thought we’d have to give up and try again. Until today!

Our Grass

There they are – incy weeny blades of hope. That’s all we have covering 70 square metres, but it’s a start. Our very own grass. With rain forecast over the weekend it should get a little boost along.

And what’s more, ‘they’ are wrong – watching grass grow is fantastic!

One Reply to “Just When You Give Up Hope”

  1. Same prob around the pool bro. If Yogi the dog didn’t insist on running his little paws all over it then I’d have a fighting chance. I think I’m doing a bit better than you but still not enough grass to dry and smoke !!

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