Dad and Bert’s Excellent Adventure

The Tigers were playing a practice match against the Saints (my mum’s team) in Shepparton, my home town, on Friday night so it was an opportunity too good to resist for my Tiger boy and I. We packed the car, left the young ones in the good care of Nana Zita and headed up the highway. It was great to have time just with Bert, although I could have done without the two hour of Wiggles tunes to keep him occupied.

The game, as much as it could be with 12 of our top players, was okay but being there with mum and two of my brothers in law was great. Dale brought along his two Tiger boys too so the three young boys had a blast eating lollies, waving inflatable hands and yelling our “Go Tigers” every time the Saints scored. Bert’s highlight was sleeping overnight at Aunty Hellen’s, he is idolising cousin Tom right now and to get to sleep at his place and play with him, well, that was so much better than staying with Dad at Nana’s.

My Tiger Boy
  Good Below His Knees
Terry Says Hi That Way Tyrone
Tiger Tom 2 Bert At The Game The J.G.B. McDonald Stand

We came back on Saturday with a stop for lunch at Seymour and another stop to stave off impending travel sickness for the boy. What amazing curative powers an ice cream has. The gods were smiling on us when we made it home  – Nana Zita came over again to baby sit so Rae and I could have a belated anniversary night out. We took ourselves off to Gold Class to see Watchmen (I loved it, Rae, not so much). We went the whole hog thanks to vouchers and had a three course dinner during the film and a couple of drinks. It really is the only way to go the movies.

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