The Difference A Professional Makes

It’s no surprise that I like taking photos of my kids, Bert especially ’cause he just loves the camera, and there’s been a couple I’ve been really happy with over the past couple of years and though ‘gee, that’s not a bad photo’.

Well yesterday we found out what a difference a professional photographer can make. Richard had his magic bag of tricks at the Grand Final BBQ and took some amazing photos. You can check out his work from the day on his website, RXA Photography.

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2 Replies to “The Difference A Professional Makes”

  1. Oh my lord. He’s not my relation at all, but I want that picture of Berty! Adorable little man! Fab photography. *ever so slightly jealous* Some people have a knack for people pictures. I prefer things that stand still (and have been standing still for a couple hundred years).

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