5 Replies to “Saturday Afternoon Movie”

  1. I think I have tried on 4 seperate occassions to sit through B&B but as yet it has defeated me. I just can’t stick it out.

  2. Eglentine Price says, “Treguna, Makoidees, Trecorum, Sadis Dee!” and people become rabbits.

    What the supercallifragilisticexpialidocious is that! Give me Mary everytime!

  3. *whimper*

    No one likes B&B. I adore it. It’s got some marvelous songs in it. I loved the fact that I actually walked down Portobello Road (love that song). I also think I’ve lost count of how many times I occasionally point at something and try to turn it into a rabbit.

  4. Don’t you dare diss B+B! I wanted to be a war orphan when I was a kid just so I could go and live with a witch, fight the Nazis and go bobbling along bobbling along on the bottom of the beautiful briny sea!

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