It’s been a couple of days since an email suddenly appeared in my inbox and I should have written earlier but had no idea what to say. Daniel and Ren have both written this morning and I feel I have to say something.
It was a letter from Sarcasmo‘s sister telling of her memorial service. I didn’t believe it. It couldn’t be true. I found her mum’s blog entry and was stunned. A person as vital, as clever – simply as good as this – should not die so young.
Star seemed to live life in way that we should all aspire to.
Rae has a tin of pirate band aids sitting on her desk. They were to be a Christmas present for Star (given they are still on the desk, more likely a New Years present) and although we had never met her in person Philly would have been one of the first stops on any trip to America, just to meet this wonderful woman who made us laugh every time she wrote.
Star would hav been delighted with those band aids.