Go Ahead, Make Us Happy

What a truly wonderful weekend. Was it having mum down for a couple of days? Was it the coffees? Was it a superb breakfast on Sunday morning? Good sleeps? Albert not waking us up during the night? Having mum knock over a large amount of the ironing pile?

No. Surely then it must have been the fact that Rae and I got to play grown ups and go see a movie while mum babysat (The Departed, highly recommended but now I have to track down the original from Hong Kong to see what the fuss about the ending was).


The highlight was, without a doubt, that we managed to snag the car park right out the front of the Sun. The one in the middle, where you can hop out of your car door and walk straight in to the cinema. We were so tempted not to go home, once you get that park you don’t want to give it up.

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