God Barracks For The Tigers

Richo Stands His GroundWell, at least for this weekend he will.

At the footy a while ago I took a photo of Richo. It’s one of my favourite footy photos and I uploaded it to Flickr that day, Richard was even kind enough to leave a comment. And there I left it.

Fast forward a few weeks and an email drops in to my inbox. It’s from Sue and she wants to use my photo to advertise a talk at her local church, which just happens to be in the next suburb over. The chaplain from the Richmond Football Club is giving a talk this Sunday entitled ‘Does God go the footy?’ and my picture, she thought, would be perfect to promote the event.

Does God Go To The Footy?So now my picture of Richo has been blown up to life size and adorns a billboard outside the Newport Baptist Church (and I’m amazed at how well the image has coped with being enlarged so much). It’s been used on flyers too. We’ve nothing planned for Sunday morning so we may even head on down to hear what Paul Cameron has to say, that is if they’ll let a very very very very lapsed Catholic through the doors. Ah well, at least I’m on one of the right teams.

My Photo Outside The Church

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