A Quick Get Away

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We spent last night on Mt Buller. It was a great retreat for one night of luxury, probably the last time just the two of us will get away before the baby arrives, and for a good time after that no doubt. We spent the afternoon in Mansfield, and can highly recommend the ‘seriously good coffee’ from The Mansfield Produce Store. It was so good we went back this morning for another and sat in the big comfy armchairs in their window to read the paper. If you sit outside you can listen to Mansfield Radio broadcasting from the shop front next door, just like Chris in the Morning from Northern Exposure.

We stayed at The Mercure Grand Mount Buller Chalet in a lovely suite fit for kings and queens. Our bed was so large Rae’s pregnant snores were reduced to a distant rumble. We had dinner in their Black Cockatoo Restaurant and even ventured outside for a walk, ignoring the fact it was only 3 degrees and the sun was still in the sky when we did. Waking up to sun rise over the mountains was lovely, you couldn’t have asked for a more relaxing day away.

The mountain was all but deserted, ski season doesn’t start for another three weeks so it was a great time to go. Instead of 10,000 people fighting for space we had all that we could wish for. Next time we’ll make sure there’s no baby on board so we can both enjoy a wine or two, but until then this little break will do us nicely.

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