Listening to Leonard Cohen’s ‘Dance Me To The End Of Love’ on the computer tonight Rae commented on how much she enjoyed CrashBurn, the television show that used a Mark Seymour cover of this song as its theme.
It was a great little show tracing the life of several relationships from the initial stages through to the ‘crash/burn’ phase. Cleverly told using a his view/her view style it was intelligent, funny, touching and beautifully shot right here in Melbourne. Of course with all this going for it no body watched it and it was shunted from time slot to slot until it petered out in some god foresaken time after only 13 episodes.
We thought we’d never get the chance to see it again until tonight when Rae, looking for the sound track, stumbled across the DVDs for sale. We never thought to look, just assumed as it was unpopular there wouldn’t be any DVDs released. It’s great that DVD now gives us a chance to watch, and own, gems such as these where in years gone by series such as this would have been lost forever. Another candidate for DVD should be Good Guys/Bad Guys, especially the first season.
Any way, there’s now two happy little critters here counting their dollar coins so we can get the two volumes and do the series justice once again.
I hope they do the same thing with The Cooks. I love that show! It’s not as bad as everyone reckons and it’s got a fairly decent plot (and everyone I know who watches it has fallen in love with Dish “Dishie” Pig).