My top three favourite films, in no particular order, are Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Sex Lies and Videotape and Proof.
Up until today I only had two of the three on DVD.
Now I have Proof.
I love this film, have since the first time I saw it at The Longford, now sadly gone. When The Longford was shutting its doors a couple of years back they had a screening of Proof attended by cast and crew. My copy of the script was in storage at the time, and even it hadn’t have been I think I would have been too overawed to approach any of them to sign it. The boy who played young Martin even turned up, on his 19th (or was it 20th?) birthday. It was an amazing night with that collection of talented people sitting two rows behind me.
Well, the Longford (where I first saw The Vanishing and This Is Spinal Tap as well) has gone but now I have a wonderful copy of my favourite Australian film, even if they have replaced the classic hazy Polaroid graphic from the films original run with a more contemporary feel.
And I’m too bloody busy to watch it.
Close Encounters is also my favourite movie of all time. If only they released the original version (the 1977 theatrical version currently only available on US laserdisc – remember them?) on DVD with the 1980 special edition ending (my preferred ending) I would be in heaven.
Proof is the BEST movie. I love the dry humour in it. It’s so my kind of funny.
“You’ve been blind all your life.”
“I forgot.”
I’m paraphrasing, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it, but that bit cracks me up.