We Won! And We Won!

Yes sports-fan, a glorious afternoon. In the driving blinding rain at the MCG the Tigers played magnificent wet weather football to pull off a comprehensive win against the drowned Dockers. Campbell got a victory for his 250th game and we proved we can win without our talls. We sang in the rain, we walked in the rain and it was good. I did, however, lose my scarf and my train ticket but if that’s the cost for a win, so be it.

On the other side of the Pacific the Canucks pulled off a 2-1 win over the Blues; we’re back in the chase and game is well and truly on. 1-1 leading to St Louis and hopes are up ’cause we’ve played better on the road than on home ice all year.

Now it’s time for a Sunday night roast with my family and a great bottle of red.

Tonight I’m a happy man.

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