Last weekend in Aramadale, I’ll miss this place a little. It;s been fun here but it’s time to move on. It’s 11.40, a glorious late Autumn day and Veronica and Steve are still in bed. This I won’t miss – how can they do that?
Drove by the new place this morning and it looks fine, hope we have good weather for moving next weekend. Rae’s had two people look through now so hopes are rising that we can avoid the hit of having to pay her rent again. Veronica is going to try and let this place straight away so I will hopefully get half a months rent back – if I do that’ll be a bonus.
Hockey last night was fun. Good to see a game, even though Ice lost 5-2. They are just about to start another game today so hopefully the starting goally will be rested. So lucky I’ve found Rae who loves my two favourite sports. Think I may be pushing up hill to get her to go the cricket so I’ll settle for two out of three. Speaking of sport – Tige’s play this afternoon. Will catch the train (for the last time from here) at 12.45 which will get me to Colonial by 1.00. We had better win today, I remember last year when we played the Crows and the slaughtered us in the third quarter. It was pouring with rain and a very miserable evening. If we can win today we can make it back into the 8. Essendon lost ti Freemantle last night – what glorious news.
Time for some lunch and then I’m going to have to look at starting to pack this evening. God I hate moving.