
This morning Henry and I went to the shops. I popped in to Toy World to buy him a Lego minifig and while there I remembered something I had seen with Bert. It’s been a rough week this week with the death of Brone and a crushing work load that ended late on Friday with an email that still has me grumpy for being so wrong and inconsiderate, so I had some fun.

I bought myself a model plane.

I haven’t built a model in what must be 20 years. I have two incomplete helicopters that have been living in the same plastic bag ever since I met Rae and I have vague memories of completing one helicopter when I lived in Kew oh so many years ago. Being rusty I bought a beginners kit that came complete with little pots of paint.

It started off like this


and ended up like this.


Not bad for a quick job on a Saturday afternoon. I haven’t applied the decals yet (I’m hopeless at that) but it’s painted and glued and I had a huge amount of relaxing, therapeutic fun sitting at my kitchen table and thinking of nothing else.

I have a funny feeling it won’t take so long to complete the next model and those helicopters may yet see the light of day.

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