The TBC Logo

The logo you see on the tackling bowel cancer site is not the original version. The first effort was rejected because it looked too much like an anus peeking from cheeks, the second because it looked stupid, the third because it looked like a colon coming out of cheeks and the fourth, well it was just right. All in the space of four hours.

At last

Well, speed web development can work – is live. It doesn’t look the best and we’re being held up by The Doggies who won’t send us a picture or their logo but at least there is some information. Now to get some more work done and then off for a 5 o’clock meeting in Toorak.

Go Me

Good news from the nursing department – the online job application (where a potential employee can click a button and send their CV straight to us) has been used 6 times in four days! Looks like I came up with a winner there.

Mid Week

Not many updates of late, too busy. Work is getting a little frantic at the moment with needing to be completed in a day and half. I have eight hours to get it done so maybe I will get to update then.


Back to work – and the fun never stops. Now I have to have a site up and running by tomorrow afternoon and they still haven’t decided on the content. They’re under a lot of pressure so I can’t hassle them to much but they are cutting it fine, lucky there are no other rush jobs on the table at the moment.

had a phone call from a client today whose wife wants to start up a business. Should be good, a quick chat and charge ’em 40 bucks for the privilege. The best outcome would be getting the contract to do the site but from the sounds of it she only needs pointing in the right direction.


These pages are now being stored on a new PC – keep an eye out for new and improved features over the next couple of weeks.


Great walk this afternoon. We decided to walk down to pay the rent. Half an hour stroll later we get the estate agent, five minutes after they shut. Grrrrrrrrr. Nice walk back, some lovely houses around here. The next street over is great, it’s not really developed yet and still has seedy feel to it. Seedy in good way, not the bad way. Oh, I know what I mean even if no one else does.

A Notice To Regular Viewers

I’m moving hosts for this site so there may be some problems accessing/viewing the page over the next few days. Normal transmission will resume soon.

The Morning After (again)

Oh my Tigers, how I screamed but it just wasn’t to be. A very loud and obnoxious Roo’s supporter (have you noticed that everyone still calls them North Melbourne?) almost didn’t make it out alive after he screamed that Wayne Campbell was the most gutless captain in the competition. Several very angry Tiger supporters soon put him in his place.

Highlight came this morning when we saw the whole squad jogging around Albert Park Lake – even Spud was with them, jostling with Campbell. We drove by twice so I got to yell out ‘Go Tiges!’.

Long weekend but nothing planned – probably get out money’s worth out of Foxtel and give the local cafes a fair bit of business.

More On The Update

Been home today for the installation of Foxtel. In a world first a tradesman actually turned up early. At least now we have cable television, all is well with the world.

In between other work I’ve set up the coffee page. I’m trying to create a totally blog driven site, it’s a lot of fun but will take a fair bit of work before I get it to where I want it. Something to keep me amused on rainy days. Off to the footy soon – The Tiges had better not let me down tonight, its the end of the season if they do.