Geekdom is invading every facet of my life.
I know I should do more exercise, but between work and running my own business I spend almost every waking hour sitting at a keyboard. Some Sundays, like today, we get out for a walk but the word sedentary could pretty much have been invented for me.
I have a bike, and love riding, but it has sat in the shed almost ever since I bought it on Ebay a year or so ago. Great plans of family rides, Phee’s bikephobia aside, and quick rides after work have never materialised so this may be the reasoning behind a birthday present I received early this month – a bike computer!
Rob and Knack must know me too well, I can see their reasoning. “If we could only involve a gadget some how, that’d get him off his bum and onto the bike.” Thanks to the good people at Cat Eye I now have a thing to push buttons on whilst riding and my interest is up. It will probably have to wait until the weather picks up a little but I’ll soon be cruising the streets of the inner west, geeking out and getting fit at the same time.
Now if only I can get it to talk to my Ipaq, perhaps drop the figures in to a spreadsheet so I can analyse them and post them on a new blog…