Not For The Faint Of Nose

Any 8 year old kid will tell you the funniest thing in the world is a public fart.

Any wife will tell you the worst thing in the world in the world is a bed fart.

Any guy will tell you the most satsifying thing in the world is a well executed fart.

And now here’s the science of the fart. You can help the world learn more about the fart – don’t let all that gas go to waste – fill out The Great Fart Survey, it’s the least you can do.

One Step To Go

One more step until my migration from Palm to Pocket PC is complete.

Today I found a replacement for the, up until now, irreplaceable Blue Moon from Stormgate Communication. (If you’re a Palm user, you must get this program!)

Recordian doesn’t integrate with my task lisk in Outlook, but it does display due tasks on the Today screen which is probably better for me ’cause I tend to ignore my task lisk most days. It has superior grouping capabilities which balances the task issue too.

I’ve tried Microsoft Money and Pocket Money but neither could hold a candle to Splash Money. Now all I need is Splash Data to release it for the PPC (they have told me it’s coming) and my tech, not to mention financial, life will be back on track and Rae gets an upgrade of her Palm.

Goodbye Danny

Danny Frawley finally fell on his sword for the Tigers today.

History may not judge him as a great coach but he was a wonderful man, or perhaps the greatest of Aussie compliments is more appropriate. He was a great bloke.

One Tiger family day I wanted to get a snap of him and Phee for my mum. Phee was acting shy so Spud got down on his knee and said “I’ve got three cuties just like you at home.” and made her comfortable enough for her to smile and stay still for a photo. If you click on the little one to the left you’ll see what a good job he did.

Goodbye Danny, your passion, commitment and desire to see Richmond succeed could never be questioned. You served the club well and ultimately put it first. Thankyou.

Get On Yer Bike

Geekdom is invading every facet of my life.

I know I should do more exercise, but between work and running my own business I spend almost every waking hour sitting at a keyboard. Some Sundays, like today, we get out for a walk but the word sedentary could pretty much have been invented for me.

I have a bike, and love riding, but it has sat in the shed almost ever since I bought it on Ebay a year or so ago. Great plans of family rides, Phee’s bikephobia aside, and quick rides after work have never materialised so this may be the reasoning behind a birthday present I received early this month – a bike computer!

Rob and Knack must know me too well, I can see their reasoning. “If we could only involve a gadget some how, that’d get him off his bum and onto the bike.” Thanks to the good people at Cat Eye I now have a thing to push buttons on whilst riding and my interest is up. It will probably have to wait until the weather picks up a little but I’ll soon be cruising the streets of the inner west, geeking out and getting fit at the same time.

Now if only I can get it to talk to my Ipaq, perhaps drop the figures in to a spreadsheet so I can analyse them and post them on a new blog…

It’s Time.

Albert seems to have brought things to a head, now there’s no avoiding the inevitable and the time has come.

We were talking this morning when Rae brought it up and I guess she’s right. We’ve been together over three years now, Phee is happy, we’re committed to each other and we’re going to try for a baby so things are as settled as they ever could be.

It’s time the CD collections were joined.

Ripping Yourself Off

Picture this, a quiet Wednesday evening. You?re sitting at home, avoiding work and eating dinner when your little sister calls you up.

?Tony, we?re starting a business, it?s getting lots of publicity and we need a web site ? can you help??

?Sure little sister, what do you need??

?Just a site, but we need it tonight.?

What to do? I?m snowed under with work and the site needs to be live tomorrow. After a little thought the answer comes easily, plagiarism. Although is it really plagiarism when you copy yourself?

For those who have seen Contemplating Albert you may recognise a few (ha hem) similarities with the site for Shepparton?s newest business and youth drama school/youth performing arts group Initial Stages. Thank god for CSS.

Roll On Summer

That’s it. Today is Winter Solstice and now that it’s dark it means from tomorrow we start heading towards summer!

Can’t half tell I’m wishing winter and the footy season away can you?

One More


One more blog for one more ____.

To fill in the blank check our new blog – Contemplating Albert.

It’s only beginning, there’s a lot more to be added but I’m sure you’ll get the idea.