The Twins–First Day Of School

I really can’t believe it. The twins started school today; it’s empty house time during the day after 7 years of little feet running around, fighting, laughing and filling the house with kid energy.

We’ve only just dropped them off. They both seemed a little bewildered but Henry was more than happy to sit by himself and draw a picture while I took Moo off to look at her room. They both saw their friends from kinder on the way in which made them happy and their teachers seem lovely.

Now I can’t wait to pick them up to see how they went. While I can now have full days to work I’m going to miss them. A lot.

Kennedy and Henry Malloy, ready for their first day at school.

One Reply to “The Twins–First Day Of School”

  1. You know, if they were both boys or both girls, they’d be a cert to have got on the commercial TV news… you know, the annual “Double trouble” Prep start of school story.

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