Friday is a no-sitter day for me and today I decided to take the morning completely off instead of juggling the kids and work.
It was a perfect morning, which probably pushed me in to the decision, so we headed off to Williamstown for a little time by the sea. After parking in a bay and realising it was $3 an hour (!!!) we drove one block further on and began our time with a little stroll from the free parking area. We walked along the shops and stopped in a bakery. We took the spoils, along with a coffee, to the park where the kids sat and ate their cup cakes and bonus Easter egg.
Then there was a play on the fantastic playground and walk along the pier to see the boats and wave at mum working in the city. Moo suddenly realised she could see the water through the planks of the pier and couldn’t get back to dry land quick enough. We walked back to the car and headed off to Taco Bills for a special treat lunch of nachos and tacos. As soon as we pulled in to the car park Moo asked for hew own glass of punch. They know what they like.
Of course I couldn’t escape work completely. One call came through and it was important. Thanks to the wonder phone I could fire up a browser, log in to my control panel and solve the problem on the spot. A year or so ago and I would have had to have packed up and gone home to deal with it.
The nice days are running out now for a few months so we won’t get to do this again for a while. I know I’ll have to work over the weekend to make up for the morning off but it’s worth it. I wouldn’t swap working for myself for the world.
Good for you taking time for the important things in life.