Getting Fresh

There’s an old saying that a watched pot never boils. I’d like to change that to ‘a watched Australia Post van never delivers’. Three days of waiting finally came to end today when the van rolled up and the friendliest postie in the world handed me the box I had been waiting for.

My coffee grinder has arrived!

Yes, it’s only a domestic model but it matches my machine and my, um, what do you call the things you bang your spent grinds in to? So now I’ll have fresh coffee whenever I want it, no more getting the deli to grind for me and making the most of that first, fresh day. I’ve just had a couple of experimental grinds and so far, so good. No doubt this will keep me happy for a couple of years, then it will be time to upgrade. Hmmm, maybe I should start doing the research now…


A quick word on pricing. After reading lots of reviews I settled on a Breville BarAroma Coffee and Spice Grinder. Their web site says it’s $199, fair enough. I went and had a look in Target where it was $169. Okay, better yet. Then Rae found one, brand new in it’s carton, on Ebay – $99 delivered. That’s a bargain in any language.

2 Replies to “Getting Fresh”

  1. You and my hubby have been ESP-ing each other lol.
    He went and bought a coffee thingo machine then a grinder and the smell of freshly ground coffee is the nicest thing to wake up *sigh* bliss!

  2. I think the thing for emptying your grinds into is literally called a bang bang. We’ve done a couple of barista-at-home courses and both coffee dudes have referred to them that way. Kind of a caffeine-fueled onomatopoeia. Refreshingly literal!

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