The Front Yard

Ever since we moved in the front yard has been a pile of rubble, pretty much untouched since the builders moved on and and concrete drive was finished. We’ve wanted to make it presentable from day one but anybody who has had any work done knows just how horribly expensive landscaping can be, especially when you’ve just paid for a house.

Thankfully we have Dale, my sister’s hubby. Dale works for a landscaper and has both a great eye for garden design and boundless energy. The whole Janke clan came down this weekend and Dale set to work. The results below show what can be achieved in two days with energy, enthusiasm, a credit card and a Dingo.


Front Yard - Before


Front Yard - After

(Bigger photos on Flickr)

The grey bit in the middle is sandy loam and before long it will be lovely green grass. We have yet to put to any plants in (giving the credit card a breather) and you’ll notice the ‘bonus’ rock feature to the left– two massive boulders that couldn’t be moved, even by the guy with a bob cat who was working across the road. We’ll post some more pictures once it greens up and we clean up the dirt.

Thanks Dale (and Rob who pitched in to help). You’ve done an amazing job and now I won’t have to apologise for the mess whenever anyone visits. It finally feels like we have a proper home.

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