What’s Been Happening?

Time for a little round up.

Thursday was my birthday and thanks to a sneaky wife and Mother In Law who gracefully accepted being the bad guy I had a surprise visit from mum and Peter. It was a total surprise when I answered the door to see them standing there and it was right at that moment I wish I had spent the morning cleaning the house instead of moping around on the PC. We ended up heading to The Coat for lunch  and then home for afternoon tea and some grandkid time.

Lunch was just one of the dining out experiences of my birthday. Wednesday night Rae and I got to go out together, again thanks to Zita. On Thursday the whole family went out for dinner, which even with a dodgy parma at The Deer Park Hotel, was lovely and then we topped it off with one of mum’s super light cream filled sponges.

Not talking about Friday. Goodbye Terry Wallace. Hello starting all over again.

Saturday morning I finally made it to Daniel’s place. He’s only been there three and half years and he’s only been to our place(s) on countless occasions over this time. Man I’m a bad friend. It was a great couple of hours sitting around and chatting with him and Miss Marita until the kids let us know it was time to leave. When you’ve got young kids never plan on spending more than a couple of hours in any one place that’s not your home.

I had a nap in the afternoon, a bit of footy on the telly in the evening and that was the day done.

This morning started off with a leisurely read of the papers and a big breakfast with coffees. I then did the first of two extra coats of oil on the deck, as recommended by the guy who built it, while Rae was busy hanging curtains and making ties for them. The deck looks great, must take a photo tomorrow when it’s freshly done, and our room is finally nice and dark at night. This afternoon we used the black out blinds in the theatre room for the first time and watched our latest QuickFlix DVD – Crash. What a fantastic film.

Now we’re bidding on a buffet on Ebay, watching MasterChef and getting ready to start one of my birthday DVDs, Scarface.

All this and there’s still one day of the weekend to go.

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