That’s from The Age‘s front page. They aren’t joking. I just poked my head out the door and the heat and blustery winds took my breath away. We’re doing okay here, the house is amazingly cool given the furnace like conditions outside. Even though we can’t have a window open the evaporative air conditioning is doing its best to circulate what little cool air we have. Zita dropped over this morning and has decided to spend the day here in comparative coolness. It’s that sort of day, we’re keeping the kids and cats cool, not exerting ourselves and waiting for the cool change that is only a couple of hours away.
I just checked the BOM site – the city is now at 46.8. That’s unbelievable.
It was in the 40’s here too, but it was Farenheit. We were still a little on he cool,side. Tomorrow promises to be in the 50’s and we are very excited.
It is incredible Tony. And horrifying to see the images on “The Age” site of the fires. Wow.
We are actually decently “coolish” today rather than “cold”. It’s warmed up to about -5C today. Quite bearable after some days of -15C to -20C. As far as I’m shocked at your +46 C I think you may be similarly shocked at our -20C. LOL
Hope your family up in Shepp are all ok, Tony.