Hello all, after a year and a bit of buying, building, planning, saving and begging we’re in. We spent our first night in Our Home last night and, save for idiot neighbours (sigh) who thought revving a bike at midnight and yelling over it was a fun thing to do, it was absolute bliss.
The cats are here, Bella is stressed and is hiding in some shelving but Tom is already making ‘let me out’ noises. We’ve decided our first purchase will be fly wire screens for the back sliding doors, it’s tough not having fresh air coming in but everything in good time.
Updates will be late for a while thanks to lack of wired internet, this wireless is great but is incredibly expensive for the download/up limits applied. I’m just praying we will be the first people ever not to be disappointed by Telstra. I’ll be twittering (awmalloy at twitter.com) using dial2do.com if you want to follow house updates. I’ll miss reading my blogs too, I hope Google Reader can cope with the numbers of unread items i’ll be reaching.
Finally a massive thank you to fantastic family and friends who braved the heat yesterday to help us move, we all came out a lot lighter at the end of the day and hopefully everyone is not feeling as stiff as I am. Thank you , thank you and thank you again.
That’s fabulous! Congratulations, and welcome home.
Glad everyone’s in now. You’ll be glad that I didn’t come after all. I exploded into the worst bout of flu I’ve had in ages and would have hated to pass that on.