Back in the mid 90’s I was having a talk with my mate Mark. He is a primary school teacher and had taken a record in to school that day to play to his kids. One of the kids piped up ‘Oh, I know that is. It’s a record, my mum and dad have some.”. He said that was the first day he felt old.
This week I bought a CD and I’m wondering if Bert, Henry and Kennedy will one day tell their teacher ‘Oh, my mum and dad had some of them. They’re what you listened to music on in the old days.’.
I’m hip, with-it and cool. I download my music, have two iPods and my radio station of choice streams from London (all hale 6 Music for getting me back in to music) but sometimes I just have to have that shiny silver thing you put in a machine. Thinking about it there are really on three acts I’d still buy the CD for – Paul Kelly (this weeks purchase), New Order (if they haven’t broken up for good this time) and Pet Shop Boys. Maybe Billy Bragg and Deb Conway too but that would be it. I almost succumbed and bought PK off iTunes, especially as the tracks weren’t hobbled with DRM restrictions, but just couldn’t bring myself to click that Buy Album link.
Maybe next time. Maybe…