
Ah, sweet freedom. This afternoon I pulled up at home to find my family sitting in the backyard under the trees. Lovely. I joined them straight away and did stuff I’ve been wanting to do for years – listened to the end of the hockey, emailed a mate at work and checked the temperature. Yes, thanks to years of accumulating small amounts in my salary packaging I have a brand spanking new lap top complete with built in wireless. All I had to do was add a wireless router and a Crumpler bag.

The last post and this one have both been written from the comfort of an arm chair in the lounge room. I haven’t actually surfed from bed yet – but I’ve checked and it will definitely be possible when the need arises. For now I’ll just be happy to be in the same room as my love re-watching Veronica Mars and working at the same time.

One Reply to “Freedom”

  1. I’ve had a home wi-fi network for about 18 months now and I don’t know how I ever survived without it. I’m looking into ADSL2 and VoIP soon. That will need a new router but the benefits will be worth it. I’m also at the cross-roads with my salary packaging – last years purchase (PDA with onboard GPS) has been finalised and my old trusty P3 laptop is sounding a bit sick. And with laptops being so cheap these days…

    And as for Veronica Mars – we’ve nearly finished the first season and I’ve got all 9 episodes so far from the 2nd season.

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