A One Off Meme

Seeing as how Daniel was too busy on the weekend ensuring innocent train travellers catch the correct train line and couldn’t post a picture for his Here Is My photo meme I’m going to fill the void.

It’s the one off ‘A Thing I Have From A Store That No Longer Exists’ meme.

And this is mine.

Daimaru Grinder

I would have purchased this coffee grinder from Daimaru in Melbourne Central in the mid 90s. Daimaru had a fantastic coffee bar tucked away in a corner, it was here I really began my love affair with coffee and over a decade later a little piece of Melbourne retail history is grinding Rae’s coffee every morning.

7 Replies to “A One Off Meme”

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  2. I have a wardrobe that has “Patterson’s Warrnambool” (now the home of Spotlight) stamped on the back (hence, don’t see it often) … My family also has a few other things that came from there around the house, as we were friends with the store manager at the time it closed down, and so got first pick of the discounts, I think.

  3. 1. I bought my first record at Fairley’s of Shepparton – 1974’s “Neil Diamond’s 12 Greatest Hits” on cassette tape.
    2. At Brash’s I bought a few records and CD’s over the years (some I still have).
    3. I had an old blanket that my mum and dad bought at Foy’s years ago.
    4. My grandfather (RIP) used to take me down to Bright and Hitchcock’s store in Geelong and Mate’s Corio Village when I was very young. I remember the colour TV department in a mezzanine floor at Mate’s (which I think now is occupied by K mart) Also at Corio Village when I was six or seven I used to spend a lot of time at Brash’s trying out the pianos and electronic organs sitting on the stool (back when all the Brash’s stores sold them).
    5. My grandfather bought a Kriesler Colourama 26″ colour TV at Billy Guyatt’s city store in 1975 for $2,000 (a lot of money at the time)
    6. My mum bought clothes for my work for me at Venture when I started my first job.

  4. I would comment if i could see the keyboard through my tears. You and i share a favourite childhood memory. I couldn’t have said it better myself!!!

  5. Theo’s hamburger joint in Fitzroy Street – gone. All the cheap cafes – gone. They were run by Greeks whose stubble wasn’t designer. Now they’re run by stockbrokers. Everything designer.

  6. Hee. Craig, if you’ve shopped at all these places, I would be inclined to think that you are a jinx. 😉

    I’ll do this one when I get home today.

  7. Other stores that no longer exist:

    Fairley’s of Shepparton – now Harris Scarfe
    Buckley and Nunn – now David Jones
    Brash’s – went bust a few years ago
    Foy’s – where Midtown Plaza now is
    Bright and Hitchcock’s department store in Geelong
    Venture – also went belly up
    Billy Guyatt’s – as Venture and Brash’s
    Ball and Welch – in Flinders Street next to the cathedral
    Waltons – disappeared from the scene in the late seventies
    Mate’s department store in Corio Village (Geelong), I think they also had a store in Albury.

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