In a fantastic nod to tradition and statement for moving forward the Mighty Tigers have reverted to the jumper in which they won all their premierships but abandoned in 1994.
Now it’s back – the slash is on the back once more as the Tigers get ready to roar. Club PR on it here – The Sash Is Back and here – Tigers Revive Sash Of Success
The sash, a new coach, potentialy great recruiting of youth and a new sponsor. Will summer never end?
Time to start saving for a new #10.
A fighting fury.
the only way is up!
I saw this on the news, and the question in my mind was, “If they haven’t had the sash for years, how observant have I been when watching them play my team? What have they had?” I suppose I would know the details if this were my team …
Here we go again…
Go Tiger Eat E’m Alive!
Go Tigers Eat E’m Alive!