What is that smell?
Oh, it may be me.
After a leisurely sleep in this morning it was time for a shower. Or to go to the loo. Or have a drink. Or get the clothes in to the washing machine. Or to go up the street and get a coffee.
The thing is that all of these activities require water; and we ain’t got no water.
A burst water main means this is going to be a very smelly street for another three hours on this sunny Sunday morning. There’s a large number of people standing outside their houses in dressing gowns looking at the water in the gutter. Just like we did, and to prove it here’s some of the water that should be in our house, but instead is outside our house.
And in a busy morning in our street they’re removing asbestos sheeting from a shop awning at the other end.

And I’ve been thinking – what this city needs is one FM band broadcast locally, sort of like the tourist FM frequencies you see when driving around, that can be used to let you know when stuff like this happens. Switching to ‘Inconvenience FM’ would be a whole lot handier than doing the phone menu shuffle to eventually talk to a stressed guy called Andrew whose quiet Sunday morning at work has suddenly been thrown out the window, or more likely washed down the gutter.